Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Who are you?

BTW, since I have added a counter to my blog, I have realized that people are reading this thing... about 25 hits in the last couple of days! I'm impressed!

Will you now come out and tell me who you are? Especially since I discovered how many people at Pravah have my blog address, I'm super curious to know who actually reads this thing!

PS: Wendy, you don't count! ;)


  1. I sooo count!

    I won't even bother to sign.

  2. hey Aditi,

    the hits probably show that u are a real good writer :), really liked what you have written abt the independence day, nice to know somebody who can put her thoughts into words so beautifully. Also read your other article about Pravah, am looking forward to sharing my thoughts too. Will cathch up in office soon. BTW must say, the way u write, people do get hooked on :)

  3. so I viewed your blog today after many months and I almost fell off my chair.

    :-) good looks.
